and Stacie Set
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
a FeW THINGS i have BEEN uP tO!
i absolutely love sewing and creating! as i have been down and out for over 5months now, i have been able to complete my niece's birthday outfit and a few other fun creations! .jpeg)
(analiza's strawberry shortcake outfit!).jpeg)
(cute, pillowcase top and ruffle shorts to match!)
( just simply added the cute polka dot ribbon and bow to onsie!)
( and fun burp rags! love!! )
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
from the time the stitches were out and that large open red area began healing, we pretty much knew that the skin was not going to come back together. through the end of may and june this is what it looked like. with it not being health enough for grafting yet, I was then put on the wound vac. was on the wound vac from june 14 - july 23(5 days after 2nd surgery.)
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Well, It has been exactly 1month and 5days since my phone call to 911. I recently had an accident at home which lead to stitches, surgery and now therapy.
I will start with exactly what happen....(I will have pictures following, they will be a little gruesome! Be prepared.)
March 30, 2012
I started the day super motivated to finish up the last room that we had boxes in! Plans of getting everything pulled out of the boxes and put away and all organized. Considering the room is planned to be used for office, crafting and projects! :) ....Lark leaving the house early to hook up with John and just have a nice relaxing day since it was his full day off in weeks, kissed me goodbye and said, "Call me if you need me and I will head back!"
My day proceeded with just opening boxes and back and forth to the trash. Because if you know me and know me well, I work with the mentality of if I have not used it, seen it in 6 months or more, I get rid of it. So, with lots of trips back and forth I just grabbed a trash bag and brought to the room. I came across a picture with the glass that was getting ready to fall out in one of the boxes. As I pulled it out, the glass popped out. It was glued to the frame and I tried to put it back in but, no go. So to the trash it was going to go. I did not put in the trash right away, I propped it up against the bag that I was using to fill with all the other stuff I was throwing away; because I didn't want the glass to tear the bag. As it sat next to the bag for awhile, I walked into the other room grabbing my cell phone that was in on the Kitchen counter. Walked back to the room and threw it on the bed. Walked away again can't remember exactly why, and when coming back as I enter the door way tripped, falling face forward into the room landing on my stomach. The bag of trash and the propped up sheet of glass meeting my full force fall. Going right through my foot. Of coarse right after falling I new I did something but, did not actually realize the intensity of it until I saw all the blood on the floor. My first reaction was I need to call Lark have him come home and help me bandage it up and clean up the blood and glass. But as went to move to grab my phone, my foot fell open, kinda of dropping straight down like it was falling off and then the major blood started and I just said "NOPE, 911". and dialed. While on the phone with dispatch, I just thought back to all my YW girls camp prep of stay calm in an emergency, you will be fine. Most important is, stay calm so you can get someone here. She of coarse was asking how are you hurt are you bleeding, how big is the cut. I told her pretty good size but I can't look to long at it. I was having to juggle her on the phone and my other hand holding my foot up so it was some what together. She said "OK, do you have anything you can wrap it with?" I looked and the only thing I had was a WHITE jacket so putting the phone down and crawling to the jacket I was able to get it wrapped. She again said, "Great? now keep as tight of a pressure as you can." By this time I had giving her the address, which also took a few minutes because she kept wanting to spell Cailey, or Sailey and we are GAILEY. I started saying, "NO Gailey, NO Gailey, as in G, Good , Great, GOD, Go. She then said, Oh, Oh, I found you. about 2-3 minutes later, first responders(a total of 14minbefore they got there.) showed up. They then proceeded to do their thing, laying me back, wrapping me up A LOT and putting me on a back board to get me into the living room. Once I was in the living room EMT's arrived transferred me to a stretcher taking me to the ER where Lark met me because he was already in town.(yes all this ALL BY MYSELF.)
Once we were in the ER in my room, they began again with what happened, how long ago, and are you in pain. In the ambulance on the way to the Hospital(30min away) they started my IV, but gave me no pain meds. I really did not start having pain until after arriving at the ER. So the good stuff began. And apparently began fast, they had to give me a shot and when they lifted my selves, I guess I said "Go ahead, check out my guns." The ER doctor opened my wound, and immediately saw the depth of the laceration, said you will need surgery. You have severed tendons, I don't know how many. I know that the bone is not broken but you have done some major damage. We are getting the Emergency Surgeon up here now. In the mean time we are going to give you a few more pain meds and get the wound prepped, by irrigating it and washing it out.
After getting it prepped and re-wrapped about 15-20 more minutes go by. The doctor comes back and says, " We are going to stitch it up and Monday send you to Dr. Coopers office. Who specializing in Knee, Ankle, and Foot." he continued, "just call Monday morning, they will know the case and see you that day."
Monday comes, we are up early on the phone calling the DR., it's about 8am no answer. Finally get through around 9:30, we tell who we are and what is going on. She puts Lark on hold for a few minutes, comes back and says. "WWEEELLLLL, the Dr MAYBE in tomorrow to POSSIBLY go over the case, and we MIGHT call you Wednesday, to TRY to get you in Thursday." Lark said really OK thanks for NO help, we will call a different place. And that is what we did. We called Dr. Brantley, shared with them what was going on and they made us priority and wanted me in at 1:30 that day. Met with him, which all led to surgery on April 10th. Surgery went well, it was set for 2 hours and ended up being 4.5 hours. I had MRIs done but it only gave him somewhat of an idea of how bad it was and allowed him to know exactly where to make the other incision. Once he opened it they found that I severed all main tendons and several veins on the top of my foot all the way to the bone and ankle, some how missing my main artery that flows right between the tendon to my large toe and the second toe. My Surgeon(Doctor-same guy) said, "Just Shocking, all science points to, that it should have been severed along with the rest. It is nothing but a MIRACLE." That is what took it from 2hours to 4.5hours. Recovery has been painful, and a little hard. I am super antsy and just want to do something. It has now almost been a month since surgery and I have had absolute no weight put on foot. so basically on bed rest. I had stitches out this week and also began Physical Therapy. PT is going good, I can't do any of the work yet but, I will get there. PT is set for 7 to 8 weeks. And so far the pain afterward is tolerable. I was taking 4-6 pain pills a day and now down to maybe one a day. I am sore and my nerves are throwing lots of jolts but I can and have been able to handle it!! I head back to therapy Monday! Now that I am way more coherent, I will be back to the grind of posting and keeping you all updated!!
Love you all! I am so blessed to have an amazing husband, that has been right there for me no matter what he may need to do. Lark, I love you so much! Thank you for all you do, have done and continue to do. And I am so grateful for my wonderful family and friends. Your continued love and support and most of all your Prayers mean such a great deal to me. Words can't even begin to be expressed. I love you all so much and again thank you so much!!
Been a MINUTE.
Well, it has definitely been a few since I updated this thing.
We are finally moved in. Not completely unpacked but all in. We have a few more small thing to complete on the house but nothing to major. There is trim in areas that has to be laid and plates put back on all the plugs and switches. And a few paint touch up spots, but the best news is that all MAJOR demos and redoes are finish! :D!!
Work has been super busy for Lark and Guys. Sam's and Walmart Year Beginning Meeting came and went. Lark and I were able to be at the same show for Sam's in Dallas. That was fun and a lot of work! Next big event Shareholders! Love shareholders, it will be exciting! Hopefully this year we will get to see a couple of Lark's brothers. The last few years RoArk brings a couple sometime all of them out to work. It is always exciting to see them!
My last post was about Doctor visits and getting my cycle on track! Birth control is working great! I am feeling awesome these days and my cyst on my ovaries have gone down. And with the birth control it is helping my hormone levels and helping me have the energy I once had and loosing some weight as well!! Still have a few remaining cysts on my ovaries which I have been told will probably stay but, with the birth control should no effect my cycles and moods!!
We are finally moved in. Not completely unpacked but all in. We have a few more small thing to complete on the house but nothing to major. There is trim in areas that has to be laid and plates put back on all the plugs and switches. And a few paint touch up spots, but the best news is that all MAJOR demos and redoes are finish! :D!!
Work has been super busy for Lark and Guys. Sam's and Walmart Year Beginning Meeting came and went. Lark and I were able to be at the same show for Sam's in Dallas. That was fun and a lot of work! Next big event Shareholders! Love shareholders, it will be exciting! Hopefully this year we will get to see a couple of Lark's brothers. The last few years RoArk brings a couple sometime all of them out to work. It is always exciting to see them!
My last post was about Doctor visits and getting my cycle on track! Birth control is working great! I am feeling awesome these days and my cyst on my ovaries have gone down. And with the birth control it is helping my hormone levels and helping me have the energy I once had and loosing some weight as well!! Still have a few remaining cysts on my ovaries which I have been told will probably stay but, with the birth control should no effect my cycles and moods!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Doctor Update...
Well, had my ultrasound...not pregnant after 2test and then confirmed by the ultrasound. But we already new that. However, they did confirm the PCOS. And iron levels seriously low. The next step is starting medication that will help it and clear most of it, and then begin birth control to give my ovaries a serious break. They told me I had probably formed this when I was younger and when time rolled around to start my cycle, it has been the cause of never being regular. Which has over the years caused serious over worked ovaries. So I go on the birth control to help regulate and allow them the proper rest. They did tell us, as I take the medicine and finish with that, when and if we decide to go ahead and get should not take long at all!!! :) Big smiles here!
I have another Dr. App. to just go through everything one more time and then start the medicine process. Will continue to keep ya posted! Thanks for those who have been a huge support and there to listen. And a HUGE thank you to my Hubby, who I love and appreciate so much. You are truly the Greatest person I know. I am so in Love with you!!
I have another Dr. App. to just go through everything one more time and then start the medicine process. Will continue to keep ya posted! Thanks for those who have been a huge support and there to listen. And a HUGE thank you to my Hubby, who I love and appreciate so much. You are truly the Greatest person I know. I am so in Love with you!!
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